Repair of the front door lock cylinder of a Xantia. Front door lock cylinders on Citroen Xantias tend to age. After some time the car key is no longer able to open the car because the cylinder rotates without opening the door and engaging the central lock system. Of course the locks can be replaced with a brand new set but with the description below a lock can be repaired to function properly again.
First the lock needs to be removed from the steel cylinder, enclosing the lock. This can be done without removing the interior trim. At the back of the door there is a small rubber plug. Remove the plug and the steel cylinder is visible. On the steel cylinder there is a square hole in which the lock cylinder retaining clip is visible. Insert the car key in the door lock and insert a long screw driver through the hole in the door. Press the retaining clip of the door lock inwards while pulling the key and door cylinder outwards.
Remove the plastic retainer cap (carefully) from the door lock cylinder to be able to remove the actual cylinder. Take care not to loose the 3 small balls and springs between the lock cyclinder and the actual lock. The retainer clip holding the lock in place, as discussed in the previous section, is visible in this picture on top of the lock cylinder.
In this picture the problem is visible. Because of wear (and maybe some brute force in the past) the key is pressed further inwards than it should. The key should be blocked when fully inserted. However in this case the key can be pressed further in (2 a 3 mm) because the keystoppers are bend out over time. Because of this the key is not recognised anymore by the lock and the lock will not function properly. This result in the turning of the lock without unlocking.
To repair the lock the key stops have to be bend inwards again to prevent the key from traveling to far inwards. If this is done you will imediately notice the lock is working as it should. Get the locking balls and springs in thier proper positions and insert the lock in the lock cylinder. Attach the plastic clip and reinsert the lock in the front door. Job done!