Inspired by the small layout site from Carl Arendt I decided to build a shunting puzzle based on the inglenook design The layout scale is N (1:160). This resulted in a small layout. Small enough to sit on a shelf. Layout operation will be automated with an arduino.
Being a big fan of the small layout site of Carl Arendt I admired the small layouts.
The site also described shunting puzzles which was an eye opener for me.
It would give me the oppertunity to display some of my N scale rolling stock in a small space.
Apart from that it would give me an interresting way to operate the layout.
I decided it had to be
the full inglenook shunting puzzle.
It is the intention to automate the layout with an arduino in combination with a nunchuck.
I fiddled around with Anyrail
and was able to (just) fit an inglenook in a 30 by 60cm space.
The baseboard is made outoff 3mm plywood so very lightweight.
I had to use turnouts with wide angles (30 degrees) and some home made decouplers to get it all in the limited space.
Electric 30 degree turnouts were found secondhand for 3,5 Euro each as well as some secondhand flex rail.
Knowing which paper models I wanted for the layout I designed the landscape.
The electric part of the turnout was cut off and mounted under the baseboard. The springs had to be extended but it works.
Looking into ways to decouple I did not want to modify al my rolling stock so I did stick with the rapido couplings and
had to de-couple using a decoupler placed between the tracks.
I used the spools of 2 old (LIMA) H0 turnouts to make 3 electric decouplers.
Being a big fan of paper models the buildings had to be made of paper.
The layout is not strickt for any specific place or time although roughly positioned near the France,
Belgium border.
I download some lovely free paper models of the following sites:
Reseau st-Michel for the buildings in the street
For the blacksmith building
For the tunnel and brick paper
For the small factory building (not available for download anymore)
Printing your own backdrops
While building the paper buildings I tried to make them as realistic as possible. Mostly this meant that I printed the models twice and build the building in layers. I also used the scoring technique on a number of roofs to look more realistic. The buildings were weathered with deluted waterpaints.
Below some photos of the buildings on the unfinished layout.